When you’re shopping around for airfare, cruise, or hotel accommodations, you may run across terms such as per person double occupancy, per room double occupancy, and per adult double occupancy. But, what does price per person double occupancy mean?? Are there any additional charges you should know about?
In this blog post, you will get to know some answers to your questions about this common term.
Table of Contents
The definition of price per person double occupancy
The most straightforward way to understand what price per person means is to look at an example.
Let’s say a hotel advertises their nightly rate as $110. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you pay $110 for one night in a room.
However. It could be that you are actually paying $55 for one night in a room and then an additional $55 for each additional guest staying with you. In other words, it’s not just about how many people are staying in your room, but also about how many people are sharing your room with you.
If there are two of you staying in a room, then you would pay $110 total ($55 + $55).
As you can see, sometimes price per person doubles occupancy may cost more than twice as much as a single-occupancy room. For instance, if there are four guests staying in a room.
While in other times it may cost less, for instance, if there are only two guests staying in a room.
Keep these points in mind when comparing rates from different hotels.
Some websites or travel agents will list all prices by room type, including price per person double occupancy. Others will list them separately.
You should always ask questions to clarify before booking a reservation or purchasing travel insurance.
Understanding the consequences of price per person double occupancy
Everyone wants to score a great deal on hotels, but before you book, it’s crucial to understand how pricing and room types work.
Price per person, also called price per night, refers to how much it costs for each guest in a hotel room.
A hotel that advertises $150/night might actually be $300/night if you go alone!
The lesson here is that when booking travel online, always check room rates per person to ensure you don’t end up overpaying.
This can be particularly tricky with last-minute bookings, but most websites will show you a breakdown of cost by the number of guests.
As a rule of thumb, always look for hotels offering double occupancy as their default rate. If they don’t mention double occupancy, ask whether there are any additional fees associated with staying just one person, for example, resort fees.
Most importantly, never assume that two people can stay in a single bedded room.
If you want to share a bed, make sure it’s stated explicitly.
Most hotel chains offer double beds, two twin beds pushed together as an option for couples who want to save money, but not all hotels do.
So even if you see an ad showing two people sharing a bed in a picture, call ahead and confirm that option is available at your preferred location.
How much you save with price per person double occupancy booking method
Many hotels offer a second option to book your accommodation, only for one night but with a special price. It is called per person, double occupancy.
The question you may have is why they do that and how much money you save if you choose that.
So let’s see what exactly price per person, double occupancy means!
Price per person, double occupancy is an alternative booking method used by many hotels in order to attract more customers and increase their revenue.
By offering lower prices than on standard reservations, hotels can attract more customers as well as encourage them to stay longer or even spend more time in their hotel during their stay in town.
When you are staying at a hotel where there are two beds available, you will pay less than when staying at a hotel where there is only one bed available. How much cheaper depends on which room type you want to book.
For example, if you would like to book a standard double room, then you will pay around 10-15% less than for booking a single room.
If you would like to book an executive suite then the discount could be up to 50%.
Some hotels don’t show any discounts on their website, but you can always call them and ask about discounts they might offer.
However, keep in mind that some of these deals might not be available online, so make sure to check availability before calling.
The advantages of using price per person double occupancy
There are several advantages that come with the price per person double occupancy method. Those advantages are going to be highlighted here.
Comparing of prices easily
The advantage of using price per person is that it helps you compare prices more accurately.
When booking a holiday, you may have noticed that some websites list double occupancy, and others just include room rates in their descriptions.
The difference between these two types of pricing is quite significant: Whereas double occupancy prices are intended to reflect only how much an individual paying for themselves would pay, non-double occupancy prices also take into account single supplement charges.
In other words, if one traveler chooses to book a single room instead of sharing with another guest, he or she will be charged extra and that charge will be reflected in the hotel’s listed rate.
Double occupancy prices do not include these supplements; they simply give you an idea of what you’d pay if traveling with someone else.
By using both types of pricing when comparing hotels, you can get a better sense of which accommodation offers better value.
For example, if Hotel A lists its double occupancy rate at $200 but includes a $50 single supplement fee on top of that, while Hotel B lists its non-double occupancy rate at $300 but doesn’t include any additional fees beyond that amount, then Hotel B offers better value for money. This is because Hotel B has higher base rates than Hotel A, but lower total costs once you factor in single supplements.
Deciding accommodation costs of different cities easily
Another advantage of price per person is that it makes accommodations easier to compare across multiple cities.
If you want to know whether Chicago or Los Angeles offers better value for your dollar, looking at citywide averages won’t tell you much.
After all, there are far more options in Los Angeles than there are in Chicago, so if most people go with a certain hotel chain here but stay elsewhere there, your average will end up skewed.
Instead, look at listings based on price per person.
Since these prices don’t change from city to city, you can use them as a baseline comparison point no matter where you’re staying.
It’s also important to note that price per person is used primarily by large hotel chains. Smaller properties often opt for simpler pricing structures without supplements, so you might see things like $100+taxes/fees/resort fees or $125+taxes/fees/resort fees rather than anything with the person in it.
Again, these numbers aren’t necessarily comparable to those with person included, but they still offer good insight into how much you’ll spend overall.
High quality indication
And finally, keep in mind that price per person is usually a very reliable indicator of quality.
After all, larger hotel chains tend to cater toward business travelers who place high importance on amenities and service levels. It means you can expect rooms at such places to be clean and comfortable, even if they aren’t particularly cheap.
Drawbacks when using price per person double occupancy
Even the best thing will come with some drawbacks, and the price per person double occupancy is no different in that sense. In this part of this blog post, we will know about some of the drawbacks that it bring in.
It is for two people only
The most obvious drawback of price per person double occupancy is that it includes only two people. That’s if you want to compare hotels.
With more than two people, you have to consider other factors, like the number of rooms and bathrooms, because a double is usually a room with one bed for two people.
But if both spouses are content with one bed, it’s not a problem at all! It also doesn’t take into account hotel amenities or room quality, which could be important depending on your personal preferences.
Not defined often
Another downside is that double occupancy isn’t always defined as such, sometimes it just means one bed.
You may find yourself having to ask questions before you book, so make sure you read descriptions carefully.
Not mentioned in all the booking sites
One last thing: Even though we’ve mentioned PPP quite a bit here, remember that not every site uses it. So, don’t rely solely on price per person when comparing prices online!
How to get the best deals with this method
If you see any prices that don’t include taxes or other fees, it means that those are just per person prices.
This is usually a pretty good deal for solo travelers, but since you can’t book in groups of 2 and pay for 2 rooms, double occupancy rates also include tax and resort fees.
For example, if you were to find a hotel room at $100/night with no taxes included (per person), then each night would cost $200 total.
But if there was an additional $15/night resort fee added on top of that, then your total would be $215 each night or about 15% more than what you might have paid for two people to stay in one room.
And while these numbers may seem small, they really add up over time!
You could end up paying hundreds of dollars extra by not taking into account whether or not taxes and fees are included.
So keep an eye out for price per person versus double occupancy rate. They aren’t always labeled as such, so read carefully before booking.
Tips for making the most out of your vacation with price per person double occupancy
Price per person double occupancy refers to a total package.
The number you’ll see on your final bill is a combination of flight and hotel together as one cost. For example, if you booked a five-night stay at an all-inclusive resort in Cancun with roundtrip flights for two people, your total would come out to be around $2,000. No matter what type of vacation you choose, the price per person will apply.
However, it can sometimes lead to confusion when comparing deals from different sites or booking agents.
Here are some tips for making sure you get the most of your money.
Book directly through an airline or hotel website
While many travel agencies offer similar packages, booking directly through an airline or hotel allows you to confirm that everything is exactly as described.
You also won’t have to worry about hidden fees that could sneak up later on.
Know how much room service costs
Room service isn’t included in your price per person, unless otherwise noted, so make sure you know how much room service costs before ordering off of it frequently.
At some hotels, prices start at more than $20 per item. At others, they may be free of charge.
Be aware of these differences, so you don’t end up paying more than expected!
Check cancellation policies
If you find a deal online but aren’t quite ready to book yet, check cancellation policies first.
Some airlines allow you to cancel within 24 hours without penalty.
However, after that time period has passed, there’s usually a fee associated with changing your reservation.
Hotels often require you to cancel no less than 48 hours prior to arrival. After that point, there may be penalties or fees associated with canceling.
Understanding cancellation policies ahead of time can help save money by avoiding last-minute cancellations.
Why does a single room be more expensive than a double room?
When it comes to accommodation rates, a single room is often more expensive than a double room.
That is mainly because hotels will make more money from one person in a single room.
However, not all cities have an expensive single room rate compared to their double-occupancy counterpart.
There are several factors that affect an individual’s overall hotel pricing experience, including location and demand for rooms. There are even some other little-known differences between a solo stay and one with a partner or a group of friends.
Why do hotels charge extra for single occupancy?
When booking a hotel, you may see a figure for price per person, but not for price per room.
What does that mean?
Hotels charge extra for single-occupancy rooms, which is why it’s helpful to know whether your travel companions are coming along or not when searching for a deal.
Many hotels will also offer special deals on rooms with two beds, such as double-occupancy or twin beds.
If you aren’t traveling with anyone else and want to save money on your stay, look for deals like these.
Keep in mind that some hotel chains have different names for their types of accommodations. For example, Holiday Inn Expresses might be called Holiday Inn Rooms & Suites.
In addition, some hotels may include breakfast in their prices while others don’t; if you plan to eat at your hotel each morning during your trip, check to make sure breakfast is included in its rate before booking.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What is the meaning of double occupancy rate?
Two people staying in a single room at that room rate is called double occupancy rate.
What’s a double room?
It is a room made for two people to stay in. Such a double room is especially suited for couples.
Why are single rooms more expensive?
This most of the times business policy of the hotel to make more profit from the guests.
Wrapping things up
Double-occupancy rooms are exactly what they sound like, two people sharing a room. You must have got enough idea regarding what does price per person double occupancy mean by now.
When traveling on business, you’ll often be assigned to a double. This is cheaper than renting out a whole room. However, it will typically be smaller and won’t have its own bathroom, the perks of having your own room and possibly having a little more space if you book solo. There are many reasons why you might want to travel in a double. For instance, you don’t mind sharing with another person (or vice versa). If you don’t mind having someone else in your hotel room for an extended period of time, then booking one or two doubles can save you money.
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