In an ideal world, we’d all be able to carry around our beauty essentials wherever we go, from tubes of mascara to bottles of nail polish and everything in between. However, it’s also important to abide by the rules set forth by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in order to make travel easier.
One beauty staple that can trip up even the most well-meaning traveler? The eyelash curler. Can you bring an eyelash curler on a plane? Before you throw it in your carry-on bag next time you head out on vacation, read on for more information about this beauty must-have and how it fits into TSA regulations.
Table of Contents
What are eyelash curlers?
If you wear mascara, chances are that you’ve also considered using eyelash curlers. These handy little devices allow you to give your lashes a curled look for every day or for special occasions.
Perhaps you’ve been wondering if you can bring your eyelash curlers onboard with you on your flight with them. Or maybe you’re thinking about purchasing one and want to know if they can be carried in your carry-on bag or checked luggage.
If so, here’s what you need to know. Yes, it is possible to take an eyelash curler through airport security and onto a plane with you.
Yes, you can bring your eyelash curler in your carry-on bag
While you’re allowed to bring liquids and gels in your carry-on bag, there are certain restrictions on what you can bring with you.
According to TSA guidelines, curling irons and flat irons can be brought as long as there is a safety cover to prevent accidental activation. There is also a limit of one per passenger. This means that if you bring more than one curling iron, it will be confiscated.
If your eyelash curler has metal parts, however, you cannot bring it in your carry-on bag. It must go in your checked luggage instead. If there are any questions about whether your specific eyelash curler can be brought on board with you, just check with TSA beforehand so that you don’t have any problems at security.
But generally, there is no issue to carry your eyelash curler in your carry on and checked bag. If you want to be extra cautious, however, you can put it in your checked luggage. If it’s going to be cold where you’re going or if you’re going somewhere humid, though, putting it in your carry-on will protect it from temperature changes.
But whether you put it in your carry-on or checked luggage doesn’t matter, as long as TSA says that you can bring it with you on board with you.
How do I use them
Eyelash curlers can be allowed in carry-on luggage, but they may be subject to additional scrutiny.
Eyelash curlers are not allowed inside of passengers’ pockets or handbags at any time. Some airlines may ask you to remove them from your pocket or handbag before boarding, make sure you comply with these requests.
Eyelash curlers should be stored in their original packaging and placed inside a clear plastic bag for inspection purposes.
If you have additional questions about bringing eyelash curlers on board, please contact your airline directly for more information.
Is it safe to take them with you on the plane?
Let’s answer this question first.
Yes, you can bring your eyelash curler onto your flight with you, and it is safe to some extent. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) doesn’t prohibit cosmetic products like eyelash curlers.
In fact, they recommend that you have everything you need for your grooming routine in one bag so that security can process you quickly and efficiently.
However, you should be aware of some important safety precautions when traveling with your eyelash curler.
It’s not recommended to bring them in your carry-on luggage. If you are taking a domestic flight within America or Canada, then it is safe to take them with you in your carry-on luggage.
However, if you are flying internationally, it is best to leave them at home and pack them into your checked baggage.
If they have batteries, make sure they aren’t loose. The TSA does prohibit battery-operated devices that can turn on accidentally and cause damage inside a plane cabin. So make sure that any device with batteries has all of its parts secured so that they don’t come loose during travel.
If you can take them out of your carry-on luggage for screening, then you should be fine to bring them onto your flight.
Just remember to put them back into your carry on bag after you pass through security.
Do you need to carry your eyelash curler in a transparent bag?
Check with your airline. If you’re flying one of the big carriers, chances are that you can bring your eyelash curler on board as part of your carry-on luggage.
Some carry-on restrictions vary by size and type, so it’s important to check with your specific airline before you get to security.
And yes, that means they might want to inspect it, but don’t worry, they won’t toss it in their trash bin. If you are traveling internationally, make sure to check out our guide on international travel beauty products for tips on what items can be taken into other countries.
If you’re allowed to carry it onboard, make sure to put your eyelash curler in a transparent plastic bag before you get to security. Having it out of its packaging could trigger security concerns.
If you don’t have one handy, ask at a check-in counter or in one of those shops where they sell travel accessories. They should be able to help you out with that.
Make sure to get it back into its packaging before you go through security.
Remember, they might want to inspect it, so you don’t want them to think you’re using it as some sort of weapon. You can also put your eyelash curler in your checked luggage if you are not allowed to carry it onto your flight.
However, make sure that your bag is within airline size and weight limits, or else you could be charged extra fees at check-in or when picking up your bags from baggage claim.
Keep it organized with a clear ziplock bag
We’ve all been asked at some point, Can I bring my eyelash curler on board? Some have even been denied boarding because of it. Many airlines allow you to carry on an electric eyelash curler, while others strictly forbid it.
The good news is that it doesn’t need to be part of your checked luggage, you can stash it in your carry-on bag.
The bad news is that not all airlines allow curlers in carry-on bags.
In fact, some carriers have strict policies about electric hair tools and other personal grooming devices. Here’s what you need to know.
#1: Know which airlines allow curlers in carry-on bags and which ones don’t.
#2: Pack your curler in a clear ziplock bag to avoid any confusion at security checkpoints or boarding gates.
#3: Check with your airline before heading to the airport to make sure you can bring it onboard as part of your carry-on luggage.
#4: If they don’t allow curlers in carry-on bags, ask if you can check it in with your other belongings or ship it ahead to your destination.
#5: If they don’t allow curlers in checked bags, consider packing one that doesn’t need electricity, like a hot rollers kit or heated eyelash brush instead.
#6: Pack it in your carry-on bag along with any other toiletries you might want to use during your flight.
#7: If you have any questions about whether you can bring your electric eyelash curler onboard, call your airline before heading to the airport. They should be able to tell you if it’s allowed and how to pack it properly for travel.
#8: Be prepared to leave it behind at security checkpoints or boarding gates if they don’t allow curlers in carry-on bags.
#9: Don’t forget that while some airlines might allow curlers in carry-on bags, they can still refuse them at their discretion.
#10: If you have any doubts about whether your curler will be allowed onboard, leave it behind and use one of these travel-friendly alternatives instead.
#11: If you can’t bring your curler with you, don’t worry, there are plenty of other ways to curl your lashes before heading out for a night on the town.
If you keep these points in your mind and follow these, then you would not face any unexpected event during your flight due to your eyelash curler.
How to curl lashes without using a lash curler
If you can’t bring your lash curler onto your flight, how are you supposed to curl your lashes?
The good news is that it’s totally possible.
Just follow these steps, the next time you head out for a night of fun, be sure to pack your eyelash curler in your carry-on bag.
Even if you can’t use it during takeoff and landing, there will be plenty of opportunities for beautiful lashes once everyone has reached cruising altitude. As with any beauty product, check your airline’s policy before packing away, so you don’t risk having to surrender it at security.
The one thing we always want when flying is easy access to our favorite beauty products, especially when we know we won’t have access to them once we reach our destination.
It turns out that many women struggle with finding ways to curl their lashes without their beloved lash curlers by their side. We’ve all seen those cute travel kits that promise to make it possible, but what if you don’t have time to go out and buy one of those before your flight?
Can you bring an eyelash curler on a plane? Most likely yes, but check with your airline before packing it away. It will save you from having to surrender it at security. Luckily, there are still plenty of options for how to curl lashes without using a lash curler!
Let’s look at some of your best options.
Invest in lash extensions
Lash extensions can be done in a salon or even at home, making them a great option for curling lashes without needing to pack any extra items into your carry-on bag.
Put down your eyelash curler and use ice cubes
A good old fashioned trick that works just as well as an eyelash curler is to freeze some ice cubes and then gently run them over your lashes. This helps lift and curl each lash so it looks longer and more dramatic, no eyelash curler required!
Use a heated towel to curl lashes
Put two towels in the dryer until they are warm, but not hot. Remove one of them from the dryer and wrap it around your head like a turban. Once it has cooled off, remove it from your head and place on top of your eyes while holding both sides of your eye open with your fingers.
Let sit for about 10 seconds before blinking. Repeat three times with each eye before applying mascara.
Wrap a rubber band around your wrist and gently pull back on it to create curls
Pulling back on a rubber band can help create natural looking curls in your lashes, especially if you have short ones. Wrap one end of a small rubber band around your wrist several times and pull back on it carefully make sure there isn’t too much tension. Hold for several seconds before releasing. Repeat five or six times with each eye.
Dip cotton swabs in water and roll across your lashes
While you can’t bring an eyelash curler onto a plane, you can bring cotton swabs. Just dip them in water first and roll across your bottom lashes to get them curled up nice and pretty.
Buy false eyelashes
False eyelashes can be purchased online or at drugstores and beauty supply stores, allowing you access to them wherever you go.
Use tweezers to grab hold of your lashes and gently tug upwards
Tweezers can also work wonders when trying to figure out how to curl lashes without using a lash curler. Grab hold of your lower lash line between your thumb and pointer finger, close together at its base. Gently tug upwards towards your brow bone until you feel resistance, then release. Continue doing so until all of your lower lashes are curled upwards.
Apply a few coats of waterproof mascara
Waterproof mascaras can stay put all day long, which means they will keep your lashes curled throughout the day. Apply a few coats to your upper and lower lashes and let dry.
Apply Vaseline to your lashes
Vaseline can easily coat each lash, keeping them in place all day long. It won’t clump or flake off either, so you won’t need to worry about any fallout during the day.
Curl lashes with a toothbrush
A toothbrush can do wonders for helping you learn how to curl lashes without using a lash curler. Start at the root of the lash and gently brush downwards until you reach the tip.
Most beauty experts recommend curling lashes before you apply mascara. It helps separate each lash and makes them appear longer, thicker and more voluminous overall.
There are several ways to curl your lashes without using a lash curler. Many people prefer to use heated eyelash curlers, but it is not always practical to use one in public because of safety concerns and high costs associated with buying one of these devices.
The best tips for carrying on beauty products
If you often travel for work or pleasure, you probably have to deal with security at some point. One area that seems to confuse travelers is what can and can’t be brought on a plane in carry-on bags.
Some items that don’t seem like they would be dangerous, like eyelash curlers, are actually forbidden in some special cases. So are things like flip flops and snow globes. If you want to know what you can bring with you when you travel, read on this list of common beauty products and their carry-on policies.
Can I bring my makeup bag as carry-on luggage?
The short answer is yes, but there are restrictions for liquids and gels which includes mascara. If your liquid or gel item is over 3 ounces (100 ml), it will need to go into your checked baggage.
Can I bring my hair straightener in my carry-on bag?
Hair straighteners can be brought on board with you, but only if they’re less than 6 inches long. Anything longer than that must be packed in your checked luggage.
Can I bring my nail clippers or tweezers as carry-on items?
Both of these items are allowed in your carry-on bag, but they must be less than 4 inches long.
Can I bring body lotion through security?
Yes, you can bring body lotion with you in your carry-on bag. However, if it’s over 3 ounces (100 ml), it will need to go into your checked baggage.
Can I bring makeup remover wipes through security?
This is another item that can be taken through security, but only if it’s less than 3 ounces (100 ml). Anything over that amount will need to go into your checked baggage.
Can I bring hairspray through security?
Hairspray is allowed in carry-on bags, but again, anything over 3 ounces (100 ml) must go into your checked luggage.
Can I bring a perfume sample through security?
Perfume samples are allowed in carry-on bags and can also be packed in checked luggage as long as they don’t exceed 4 fluid ounces or 100 milliliters.
Can I bring a face mask through security?
Face masks that can fit into your quart-sized bag can be brought through security, but only if they do not contain liquid. If you want to bring one with liquid, it must go into your checked baggage.
Can I bring nail polish remover through security?
Yes, nail polish remover is allowed in carry-on bags and can also be packed in checked luggage as long as it’s less than 3 ounces (100 ml).
Can I bring perfume on a plane?
Perfume is fine to pack in carry-on bags and should not exceed 3 ounces (100 ml).
Can I wear my contact lenses during takeoff and landing?
Contact lenses are allowed during takeoff and landing. However, you’ll need to remove them if you have any sort of discharge or irritation in your eyes.
Can I bring cotton swabs through security?
Cotton swabs can be brought through security as long as they’re less than 4 inches long and don’t contain liquid. If they do contain liquid, they must go into your checked baggage.
Can I bring hand sanitizer through security?
The TSA allows hand sanitizer to be taken onto planes as long as it doesn’t exceed 3 ounces (100 ml). Any amount over that must go into your checked baggage.
Can I bring scissors through security?
Scissors are allowed in carry-on bags, but they must be less than 4 inches long and can’t contain any sharp objects or points.
Can I bring hair gel through security?
Hair gel is allowed in carry-on bags, but only if it does not contain alcohol. If it does contain alcohol, you will need to pack it in your checked luggage.
Can I bring liquid makeup through security?
Liquid makeup can be brought through security as long as it’s less than 3 ounces (100 ml). Anything over that amount must go into your checked baggage.
Can I bring nail polish remover with me onto a plane?
Nail polish remover can be brought onto planes as long as it’s less than 3 ounces (100 ml). Anything over that amount must go into your checked baggage.
DIY solutions for bringing makeup and skincare to the airport
The answer to whether or not you can bring makeup and skincare to the airport is yes, but there are some caveats. Makeup and skincare products must be checked into your carry-on luggage, and they should be under 3.4 ounces in total volume, so bringing your favorite eye cream or mascara won’t work.
However, if you’re looking for a DIY solution for how to get around these rules, consider purchasing travel-sized versions of your favorite cosmetics from stores like Sephora and Ulta before leaving home.
Alternatively, if you have access to a printer at home or can quickly stop by one. Then print out pictures of your favorite products along with their names and descriptions, that way TSA agents can see what’s inside without having to open it up.
It can also be helpful to print out pictures of your products and bring them with you in case TSA agents need additional proof that they’re harmless.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Can I bring my eyelash curler in my checked baggage?
If you’re traveling within North America or Europe, most airlines will allow you to pack your eyelash curler in your checked luggage without any problems.
Can I bring my lash curler as hand luggage?
Most airlines will allow you to take your lash curler onboard as part of your hand luggage allowance if it is small enough and fits within their size restrictions.
Can you take eyelashes on a plane?
Yes, you can take eyelashes with you as part of your hand luggage or carrry on bags. Many airlines also allow you to pack them in your checked baggage.
Does mascara count as a liquid TSA?
Yes, mascara is considered liquid and cannot be packed in your hand luggage. However, it can usually be packed in your checked baggage. Just remember to pack it in a clear bag so you can show airport security that there are no liquids inside if they need to inspect it.
Wrapping things up
The question we get asked most frequently about whether you can bring an eyelash curler through airport security is eyelash curler allowed on plane. Yes, they are allowed to go through screening, and it is safe to pack your eyelash curlers in your checked baggage. Eye lash curlers are not considered dangerous items often, so you don’t have to worry about them being confiscated.
However, if you have any concerns or questions about bringing an eyelash curler on a plane with you, then make sure to contact your airline before traveling. They will be able to give you more information about what can be brought onto their planes as well as what cannot be brought onto their planes.
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